Monday, March 13, 2006

Enter: Two Bengal Kittens

Wandering Mind: It's really wandering now...

Enter: Two Bengal Kittens!

Somehow my kitten information was lost in a blog swirl/storm.
Have had them since early October.
They are now 6 months old and are too neat for words. If you love kitties, you know exactly how we feel about them.
We decided at the loss of our old companion Twinkie, that we would get a boy kitty, as *she had recently left us. I thought it would be easier to have a boy. Not as many memories.
[*At 17+, it was her time.]
Drove to the kitten's cattery, went in... wanted all the kittens we saw. Finally decided on one boy, drove away.
Got as far as the second block...backed up to the cattery. Went in and brought the little sister of the boy kitten which we had already gotten. He is the largest of the litter and has grown quite large, and she is the runt and still small, but a she-devil.
She is the agressor!
They are named Tiger-Roo and Lily-Woo
I will tell more about these loving companions in my next wandering.
Oh yes, they are learning to leave the knitting alone. I bring it out in the evening, when they are sleepy.
Maybe it is me who has learned about it at the optimum cat nap time!

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