Saturday, February 19, 2005

Color Me Knitting

Color me knitting.

The mind is twisting as the yarn moves along the sticks! Color concepts have found a home with yarns and strings and shines of color, a world where the fibers catch the light. All colors can be Queen here in the Knit Kingdom of the "Wandering Mind!"

Purple was a changling and through the yarns it moves to many places. I chose purple to give as a scarf, but the colors of the Heather were so hard to find. Dark black fuzzy, with bits of purple and turquoise were all I could find, to knit with a very dark purple chenille. So be it, but not quite right.
Aha, recently purples have been found, many now are here, available; a new scarf emerged and it was good.

But now something has emerged as a scary thing...Circular needles reside with me. They have no persona, they are gray. Poor sad gray bits of hardware. They need life, but I am afraid of them. I believe knowledge gives them life and I must find it. If I do, they will whisper in the yarns, whisper that they are magical!
I am off in search of some of that magical knowledge and I will ask my sister knitters, for help.

1 comment:

Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

I love circs! I use them all the time now! I have taken all my sweater patterns and changed them over to circs because I hate seams!

Don't be afraid...they are calling to you...knit with me!
