Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Coming in from Out of the Blue!

I am resisting this...Coming in from out of the blue is hard..I will do it gradually.
Since Purple is a blue/red combo this is a good transition.

Ahh...a purple haze is the mind being treated to a comfort zone with this color...relaxing; do I smell Lavender? Is this wafting from a special part of the rainbow? The morning and the evening, which is this haze?

It is morning and the strong sun is trying to press it's strength over the purple mountains to give the earth a change. A few clouds still cling to the mountain tops, or is this water vapor from the generating plants or the mechanical plants...Oh, relief. It is neither but the soft mist from a mountain pool that causes the purple to hold back the sun just so, across the rocks. If only for a instant longer...
And now, the wandering mind moves on; problem and mystery of the light of morning is solved.

But what of this place at evening? Does the outcrops of wild heather glow stronger in it's color of purple in the evening light?

Wait! the Heather wants to tell of it's bright mid-day tones. They are so showy, the blossoms are so distinct, you won't miss one shade. Look at them: purple, lavender and a blush on the white, of shadowy changing purple, as the light travels across the bloom.

Fine, you've had your say.

This is pulling us into ongoing commentary about purple. Obviously it is a tenacious color... As it won't let go.

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