Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Another Day Another Color

It may be a stretch am I out from under the big tree by the stream full of fish or am I still there? Make the mind stretch...Oh, that feels good!

Yep it stretched and I find I am in the realm of the Blue Men...BLUE!
Is it comforting or is it awakening?

Today it is comfort.
Blue in a yarn made soft by heavy, strong and noisy machines. There is a smell of engine oil in the air, people wear earplugs and there is a fuzzy blue dust bunny, floating in front of the hard working sweeper's soft mop!The spinners bring forth miles and miles of yarn. It is a slightly faded denim color with lighter blue slubs, it is coming to a store near you.
One near me!
I look. I think and I choose. It is perfect to use with a strong multi color yarn that has also been born of man and machine.
Is it a foreign born? Did this yarn travel? Yes, wonder what tales it could tell if it hadn't been packed into a plastic bag and great brown box?

The mind wanders on...
Are all blues sad, are they meloncholy? I think not, they rise in the sky over clean aired mountain, so how could they be sad or sorry? They sing...you know "sing the blues?" Those blues are a very exclusive color. The color of emotion. Ah, this is where color and feeling mix. How lucky those blues are!
Warm, fuzzy, soft, harsh, vibrant, cool...the color blue can be this in thread or thought.
Which would the color blue wish to be, if given a choice?

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