Monday, August 16, 2004

Tossing and turning to "gold!"

OK, I'm thinking yellow is a sunny beginning for the week and gold is even better. Didn't folks turn their whole lives around for that?
Why do we think yellow is cheery?
[Does this harken back to the gold issue? Probably not.]

I like the sunflowers and daisy shaped flowers, they are usually yellow. Looking out my window I am seeing a BIG yellow centered tire on a John Deere tractor...even THAT is cheery! So much better than a dull gray tire, if you really want to get into that issue!

Golden morning are warm and have grand expectations for possible picnics and deliver perfect drying days for the wash on the line. MMM! Smell those fresh clothes!

Who can resist the golden eye of the tiger cats? Not me.

Yellow does not mean cowardice, it means yellow ribbons to greet the loved one coming home!!

[My thoughts are not finished with yellow yet but I will move on around the color wheel as it influences my life...]

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